Wednesday, February 10, 2010

T.U. Curriculum for Microbiology IIIrd Year

T.U. Curriculum for Microbiology IIIrd Year
b. Medical and Environmental Microbology

Course No. : MB 333
Full Marks : 100
Pass Marks : 35
1. Historical background of medical microbiology : Historical aspects of medical microbiology and various diseases processes.
2. Bacterial flora of the human body : Study of microorganisms from skin, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract, commensals, symbiotic, oppurtinistics.
3. Methods of transmission of diseases : Explanation of epidemic, endemic, pandemic.
4. Types of infection : Mechanism of infection, host parasitic interaction.
5. Immunity process : Types of immunity, Immunoglobin and their types, antigen antibody reactions, auto immuno disease, hyper sensitivity, AIDS.
6. Safety measures in clinical laboratory : Principles of laboratories safety, decontamination and disposal of infected materials.
7. Importance of antibiotics, chemotherapeutic agents in clinical microbiology : Types of antibiotics, chemotherapeutics agent, mode of actions.
8. Methods of specimen collection, transportation of medical samples or specimen : Cerebrospinal fluid, blood sputum, urine and other body fluids, discharges and pus.
9. Method of collections of viral samples : Introduction, types of viral samples, maintenance of temperature and transportation, identification and interpretation.
10. Common pathogenic viruses : Mumps, Measles and Polio, Influenza, Rabies, HIV, viral culture.
11. Sample colection and lab diagnosis of nicotinic infections : Samples, nasal swab, skin scrapping, other samples.
12. Medically important fungi : Introduction, classification, morphology, basis of growth.
13. Microbial ecology : Microbial association of soil, water and air.
14. Aquatic Microbiology : Introduction, Types pf water, characteristics of water.
15. The water quality basis : Water quality criteria, source of water pollution, water pollution control, water treatment, control of water-borne diseases.
16. Industrial effluent : Introduction, industrial pollution, domestic sewage and microbiology of sewage, methods for the treatment of industrial effluent and sewage.
12. Microbial air pollution : introduction, methods of measuring microorganisms in air ( indoor and outdoor), air-borne diseases, air pollution control.


T.U. Curriculum for Microbiology IIIrd Year

T.U. Curriculum for Microbiology IIIrd Year
a. Agriculture and Food Microbiology

Course No. : MB 331
Full Marks : 100
Pass Marks :35

1. Formation Of Soil : Physical factors, Chemical factors, Biological factors
2. Soil And Its Constitution : Mineraol matters, Soil solution, Gases
3. Discrimination of Microorganisms and their roles : bacteria, Fungi, Actinomycetes, Protozoa, Blue-green algae (cyanobacteria)
4. Rhizospheric and Phyllospheric Microorganisms : Introduction, Role of crop production, Factors influencing their growth and activities.
5. Role of Different Microorganisms : Introduction, Nitrogen cycle, Ammonification, nitrification, denitrification, carbon cycle, organic matter decomposition, recycling of organic wastes, Phosphorus solubilisation, inorganic phosphorous, organic phosphorous, sulphur cycle, mineralization, microbial asimilation of Sulphur, oxidation of sulphur, reduction of inorganic sulphur compounds.
6. Anaerobic decomposition and mechanism of methane production and application : Anaerobic decomposition of organic compounds, mechanism of methane production, digested slurry as manure.
7. Microorganisms in various foods : Bacteria, Molds, Yeasts, Primary source o9f microorganisms in food contamination.
8. Techniques used for the determinastion of microorganisms in food : Techniques of demonstration of microorganisms in food, sampling methods (various food industries, dairy market, meat market), culture.
9. Factors Affecting the microbial growth (intrinsic and extrinsic) : Intrinsic parameters, extrinsic parameters.
10. Food handling and spoilage : Different types of food handling in industries and market, spoilage of : fruits and vegetables, fresh and processed meat and poultry product, egg and egg products, milk and milk products, canned fluids, flour cereals and bakery products, fermented foods, soft drinks.
11. Food preservations : Chemical, Irradiation, Low temperature and High temperature drying.
12. Food quality evaluation : Quality standard of milk, quality standard of bakeries, quality standard of meat and eggs, quality control of food.
13. Role of microorganisms in food spoilage : Gram positive cocci (Staphylococcus spp.), Gram positive spore formers (Clostridium spp.), Gram negative bacteria ( Salmonella spp.)


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