T.U. Curriculum for Microbiology IIIrd Year
T.U. Curriculum for Microbiology IIIrd Year
b. Medical and Environmental Microbology
Course No. : MB 333
Full Marks : 100
Pass Marks : 35
1. Historical background of medical microbiology : Historical aspects of medical microbiology and various diseases processes.
2. Bacterial flora of the human body : Study of microorganisms from skin, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract, commensals, symbiotic, oppurtinistics.
3. Methods of transmission of diseases : Explanation of epidemic, endemic, pandemic.
4. Types of infection : Mechanism of infection, host parasitic interaction.
5. Immunity process : Types of immunity, Immunoglobin and their types, antigen antibody reactions, auto immuno disease, hyper sensitivity, AIDS.
6. Safety measures in clinical laboratory : Principles of laboratories safety, decontamination and disposal of infected materials.
7. Importance of antibiotics, chemotherapeutic agents in clinical microbiology : Types of antibiotics, chemotherapeutics agent, mode of actions.
8. Methods of specimen collection, transportation of medical samples or specimen : Cerebrospinal fluid, blood sputum, urine and other body fluids, discharges and pus.
9. Method of collections of viral samples : Introduction, types of viral samples, maintenance of temperature and transportation, identification and interpretation.
10. Common pathogenic viruses : Mumps, Measles and Polio, Influenza, Rabies, HIV, viral culture.
11. Sample colection and lab diagnosis of nicotinic infections : Samples, nasal swab, skin scrapping, other samples.
12. Medically important fungi : Introduction, classification, morphology, basis of growth.
13. Microbial ecology : Microbial association of soil, water and air.
14. Aquatic Microbiology : Introduction, Types pf water, characteristics of water.
15. The water quality basis : Water quality criteria, source of water pollution, water pollution control, water treatment, control of water-borne diseases.
16. Industrial effluent : Introduction, industrial pollution, domestic sewage and microbiology of sewage, methods for the treatment of industrial effluent and sewage.
12. Microbial air pollution : introduction, methods of measuring microorganisms in air ( indoor and outdoor), air-borne diseases, air pollution control.
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